
Strategy Poker

Short Rulebook


Each player draws a game color. Yellow, Red or Blue. Each player marks positions of 2 blocks on Intention Board. Each Players places 2 blocks consisting of several play stones on the Playing Field accord ing to secret choice. Martin draws Yellow. He places Yellow Tar to the far West and Yellow Uni on a North-East position.

Round run-down

Round stone. Count the 8 rounds of the game with the white stone on the white fields. After a round is finished, set the stone one field ahead. You start North-East.

Secret – Intention. Each player marks a Colour, a Symbol and an Action.

Example – Martin chooses Yellow, Tar & Anti-Clock Rotation. Yellow and Tar intend for the block with six playing stones turn anti-clockwise around Yellow-Tar.

Public – Comparison. To approve the intention a Player requires min. one agreement in two out of Colour/Symbol/Action with the players.

Example – Sami and Martin choose Tar. Sami and Lin chose Red. Sami’s intention is approved

Note – If all player’s intention is not approved, then all players have to re-choose their intention!

Ranking of approved Intentions. More than one intention is approved? Which intention will be carried out first?

Note – The Intentions Ranking is first of all only related to the Actions. If actions are the same, then the bigger original block ranks higher and will be carried first.

Public – Carry out Actions: Rotations and Directions are happening in relation to one block only which is defi ned in the approved intention. Players intend these actions in order to get blocks in the position for score changing actions Unification and Elimination!

Directions – North/Souths/West/East make a block move one fi eld into the chosen direction.

Rotations – Turn the block around the captain playing stone defi ned by Symbol and Colour.

Public – Carry out Actions: (+) and (–) are called Unification and Elimination and happen between 2 blocks, require an overlap and are the only actions to change the score. The balanced initial score is 11/11/11. The 1st of the 2 blocks is defi ned in the approved intention.

Unification – 2 blocks become 1 sharing frames 50/50. The 2nd block is the smallest overlapping one which overlapps with the 1st block.

Elimination – makes both blocks lose the overlapping playing stone. The 2nd block is the biggest over- lapping block.

End and target of the game

After 8 rounds the game colour covering with most of the playing stones wins, in other words the game colour with the highest number of frames on the playing field.

Example – Martin is second with 10 frames, Lin ends up with 6 frames and Sami wins with 11 frames.

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